Autostraddle Seeks Queer Trans* Women Writers

Founded in March 2009 and still run by a dedicated team of indentured masochists, Autostraddle is an intelligent, hilarious & provocative voice and a progressively feminist online community for a new generation of kickass lesbian, bisexual & otherwise inclined ladies (and their friends).

They're looking for queer-identified trans* women to contribute all types of written work to a theme issue, "Trans*scribe."  To open up the field to more trans* women, they are offering a $50 payment for accepted posts.

E-mail your pitch or completed post, along with a letter of introduction, to laneia [at] autostraddle [dot] com (cc riese [at] autostraddle dot com) by March 1st. If you're emailing a pitch (rather than a completed post) or if you're also interested in becoming a regular writer for Autostraddle, then also submit a resume and provide links to three samples of your writing online and/or or a link to your blog or tumblr. If your experience is in print, submit attachments. If you're submitting a completed post, those things are appreciated but not required.



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